Go ECOCamino

Overview of ECOCamino

ECOCamino is a web application designed to help communities team together to educate and address real threats to our ecosystems and increase environmental awareness among the public. Our application’s goal is to build a community, host and attend events, connect with people through forums and accumulate points for participating. Registered users will be notified through real time notifications and can view their notifications when they sign into the application.

ECOCamino was developed for the 2021 Meteor Hackathon where it won first prize out of all applications that were developed. My team and I had five days to implement it.

Learn More About Our application

Our source code is private at the time, but soon we will open our repo publicly. While that is in the works please consider exploring our app through this site that explains our projecy. ECOCamino Page Our application is deployed here: ECOCamino App

Our Method

Now, five days is very short to develop a project so my team and I had to piece together a functional way to develop this project on time. Everday we would have lists of issues in our Github project that we would finish. At night, we would meet and discuss the things we had finishes, need to complete and agree on which issues to take on. As the third day approached, we talked about our realistic end goal and put it in full force. We were able to complete everything we wanted.

My Contribution to the Project

This project was done as a group effort since we had five days to develop it. I worked on the entire admin side of the app and worked in areas that the bigger development was happening. My contribution to this app was creating:

Overview of My Contribution

Mock-up pages

We made mock-up pages through figma. I made layouts for the admin pages. Other members did other stuff too.

The OffCanvas feature for notifications

OffCanvas is a side bar where we put our notifications.

Sign Up Form

The form that was connected to the User Collections that collected the data from users.

Admin side of the app

Logo (on landing page)

Default Data

By creating default data we were able to present our app as if people used it and it functioned more interactively.


Participating in the hackathon was more educational than I thought it would be. I learned about my teammates and their strengths in Software Engineering and my own, but also learned about my weaknesses. I learned I have a lot to improve on in the engineering side of software development. The well roundedness of my teammates helped us be successful and win the Hackathon. When we into the hackathon our intentions were to just build an app and hope for the best, but the drive and work ethic every single one of us had pushed us to win. We had no special formula other than work hard and communicate. We communicated on so many different levels like when we needed help understanding how to implement something or where we needed someone to take over an issue. One thing I especially learned this hackathon was to not switch UI frameworks and learn something new for a 5 day hackathon. I spent a whole day trying to understand how to make a footer in bootsrap and we all definitely found that as a similar struggle.